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Supagraf® OX datasheet

A graphite yarn compression packing designed for valves in oxygen service. This datasheet provides the basic characteristics and performance parameters of Supagraf OX.

Supagraf OX has been developed specifically for valve services with gaseous and liquid oxygen, to provide safe operation and low emission rates. Supagraf OX comprises high purity flexible graphite yarn treated with oxidation inhibitors and is manufactured in a clean room environment.

Supagraf OX is designed to be used in valves handling gaseous or liquid oxygen. It is not suitable for use with control valves where fine adjustment is required, as this is a dry product that does not contain a lubricant package.

For applications involving any other media, please contact us for further advice.

Downloading this datasheet provides the following product information:

  • Maximum and minimum temperature capabilities
  • Maximum pressure capability
  • Chemical properties
  • Specifications and typical applications
  • How the product is supplied

For details of our full range of compression packings, download our compression packing guide.


Supagraf OX datasheet

English pdf (373 KB) Download
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