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Working to enhance plant productivity and reliability at a reduced cost of ownership.

Product availability and reliable performance are key to our customers in their battle to improve productivity and lower the total cost of plant ownership. That’s why James Walker's metallurgical industry specialists work in close harmony with engineers throughout this sector to develop new sealing products that meet the exacting demands of the hostile environment.

Our knowledge and experience of the metallurgical sector, coupled with a global technical support and distribution network, enable us to solve sealing problems for plant operators, equipment manufacturers and maintenance contractors around the world.

We operate long-term 'partnering' contracts for the supply of seals, packings and gaskets with many of the largest multi-national iron, steel and aluminium producers, providing a service that is backed with e-procurement systems allowing engineers to specify, select and order fluid sealing items on-line from site, in the sure knowledge that their requirements will be swiftly and efficiently met.

Giant forging presses, extrusion presses, furnaces, continuous casters, rolling mills… the largest steelworks and aluminium plants - these all rely on James Walker's proven track record as a leader in fluid sealing and associated technologies. This is backed up by a research and product development programme for our enhanced materials and new sealing techniques, designed to improve value-in-service, cut plant downtime, and greatly improve plant operating costs.

Expert to Expert

Want to discuss your project, engineering or materials challenge expert to expert? Simply provide us with your contact details and a little information about the application you are working on, and one of our experts will contact you as soon as possible.

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