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Our services

Working in partnership with our customers to extract the best possible performance and reliability from their plant and equipment.

From seal design and materials advice, product and materials testing to installation and maintenance we offer a comprehensive range of knowledge and expertise based services to support our product portfolio. Our service capabilities even extend to compiling and maintaining e-catalogues and maintenance schedules for customers with whom we have global purchasing and service agreements.

In many instances we work in partnership with customers to overcome challenges they face - enhancing safety and productivity, reducing operating and maintenance costs and optimising total cost of ownership of their assets in the process.

We encourage our customers to think of us less as a solutions provider and more as an extension of their own engineering department. When you engage James Walker on a design and engineering project, we expect you to treat us like your own people. After all, we are working towards the same end and by integrating our physical and human resources we can get there so much faster.

Expert to Expert

Want to discuss your project, engineering or materials challenge expert to expert? Simply provide us with your contact details and a little information about the application you are working on, and one of our experts will contact you as soon as possible.

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