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Supporting our customers to succeed in a safer and more sustainable world with innovative, high‑performance sealing and bolting technology.

Across every industry we serve our customers are focused on improving process reliability and performance, reducing costs and total cost of ownership whilst also trying to improve their environmental credentials and achieving all these often conflicting goals in a way that is sustainable for the long-term.

Within the grand scheme of such aims, sealing and bolting technology may seem to play a small part but the safe, leak-free sealing of media and the integrity of bolted structures and joints can prove critical to success, particularly in relation to control of harmful emissions, employee and environmental safety, and the reliable operation of plant and equipment.

Our focus is on working in partnership with OEMs, end users, designers and industry bodies, utilising our advanced materials technology and engineering competencies to overcome the challenges faced. Our success, in turn, will enable our customers to advance their own technologies and capabilities.

Expert to Expert

Want to discuss your project, engineering or materials challenge expert to expert? Simply provide us with your contact details and a little information about the application you are working on, and one of our experts will contact you as soon as possible.

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