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Walkersele X‑Gen product guide

Innovative shaft and bearing sealing for large diameter wind turbine applications.

Walkersele X-Gen is a new generation of elastomeric lip seals, specifically designed to meet the demands of sealing the large diameter shafts and bearings on the latest families of wind turbines.

The seal design incorporates new patented rubber / glass fibre composite construction technology with new lip geometery suited to the sealing of grease media and an engineered fingerspring moulded into the seal body to ensure constant seal contact even when extreme eccentric running is encountered.

Downloading this guide provides the following product information:

  • Results of test programme
  • Seal sizes and performance details
  • Different seal configurations including on-site joined variants
  • Key benefits provided by this next generation technology

Walkersele X-Gen product guide

English pdf (8.3 MB) Download
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